14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth
There are many anomalies to be observed when the world talks about truth. For instance, there is a popular notion that what may be true for you is not necessary true for someone else. By the very definition of truth, that notion does not hold water. If it is true for me, yet not true for someone else, then either it is not true for me, or the other man is not admitting the truth. The classic example these days is that all religions of the world are equally true. By the very nature of some of them, Christianity being one, this statement is harmfully false.
Christianity makes specific claims that are exclusive. The reason we are called Christian is because we follow Christ. Christ said of Himself, He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6), and that no one comes to the Father (that is, God) except through Himself. Other religions, Islam for example, claim to worship the one true god. They would also claim some form of salvation through that god. However, according to Scripture, they can never be reconciled to their Creator because they deny Christ. All the religions of the world in some form or fashion have at their basis a denial of Christ.
Yet, if the common notion above is accepted, then this is simply true only for the Christian, which is equal to the truth of the Muslim. This is exactly what the spiritual enemy wants.
You remember what he did in the Garden of Eden? He seduced Eve by words of equivocation, just as he, through the world, is saying today. "Did God actually say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden'?" (Gen 3:1). Satan knew that God commanded them to eat of every tree, except for the one, yet he phrased the question in such a way as to make God sound like He was too restrictive; that what He was providing was not adequate in some way. To make matters worse, the devil lied to Eve and told her she would become wise in the world, and that she could be like God. This same lie is being spun to this day.
The enemy of our souls continues to whisper, "Did God actually say..." And further than that, he gets the world to join in the chorus. After all, the truth of the devil is just as true as the truth of Christ. They just do not see eye to eye. They have adopted a live and let live attitude, right? WRONG. Satan was already defeated ages ago. Yet sin is still in the world and crouches at the door of our hearts. The ancient enemy is still roaming to and fro like a hungry lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet 5:8). The only defense against the lies of satan is the truth of God.
We said before that the lies of the devil are often aimed right for our innermost and intimate parts. His main goal is to set your heart and mind against God. That is why the Psalmist said, "I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you," (Psalm 119:11). The devil intends to break in and steal any truth that exists in your heart. He tried the same thing with Jesus when tempting Him in the wilderness. Yet Jesus stored up the Word of God within His heart, and He was able to thwart the devil by the truth of God.
Another great comfort for us is that, not only is this belt of truth a spiritual weapon made powerful by the Spirit, but the same Holy Spirit has been promised to guide us into all truth (John 16:13). That does not mean that we, personally, somehow have a corner on the truth, as if we never sin, or never believe a lie, or tell a lie, or always have the truth on our side. Peter says that sometimes men (all men may fall into this category), who are ignorant and unstable, twist the scriptures to their own destruction (2 Pet 3:16). However, what it does mean is that the Holy Spirit will guide US into all truth. Jesus was speaking to His disciples saying, "you all," that is, the Holy Spirit will guide you all into all truth. Who is 'you all'? His Church. There is, therefore, a Spirit guided truth in the Church. This does not mean that the Church cannot and does not err. But it does mean that there is truth and that the Holy Spirit guides the Church to that truth; so that anywhere the Spirit's truth is, there is a true Church. As we are a part of the true Church, we stand as an army with truth-belts on, ready to withstand the lies of the enemy.
However, as the devil's is a divide and conquer strategy, we must be as true as we can be in ourselves. Shakespeare's Polonius said to his son, Laertes, "To thine ownself be true." Many take this to mean that you should not deceive yourself. That is certainly true. But you should not also not let yourself be deceived by any other. Believe the truth always. If there is deception, we know it is not from God. Therefore, storing up the truth in our hearts is the only way we can be true to ourselves, to our brothers and sisters, and most importantly, to God.
1. Continue to work on memorization. Memorize also Psalm 119:11.
2. Read 2 Thessalonians 2. Journal about the battle for the truth in this passage and how it may relate to something you have experienced or that you may have heard of someone experiencing.
3. Read Luke 4:1-13. Note how Jesus thwarted satan's attempts to tempt him to sin. See if you can find in your Bible the scriptures Jesus is quoting.
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